About Us

There is Hope Ottawa (THO) is a Canadian non-governmental organization that advocates for action to reduce poverty and inequality and assist new immigrants to be gainfully employed through settlement programs. Our organization also seeks to give a voice to the voiceless through the support of different initiatives designed for the good of the common man. 

The NGO was established in 2022 with the aim of helping new immigrants to Canada settle seamlessly into their new environment. It has grown in membership, and through the input of its members, it promotes economic and socially driven policies to help the impoverished and weak to get a voice and experience positive change. We believe every human being should have access to and enjoy their basic human rights, and part of our responsibility is to see this is possible. 

So far, There is Hope Ottawa has lent its voice to several causes in society, influencing change at all levels, from Federal to Local. Our organization employs a dynamic but strategic approach to dealing with societal issues while maintaining an uncompromising non-political stance.

We also assist the physically disabled. About 15% of the world’s population lives with some form of disability and 2-4% among them experience severe difficulties in day-to-day functioning. In Canada there are over two million people with physical disabilities. These Canadians have specialized needs for housing, education, treatment and research. Many require assistance with respect to retraining, employment and recreation. The need is great and public awareness is low.

Who We Are

There Is Hope Ottawa (THO) is a national advocate supporting people affected by poverty, disadvantage, and inequality.

Established in 2022, There is Hope Ottawa aims to reduce poverty and inequality by:

Leading and supporting initiatives within the community services and welfare sector and acting as an independent non-party political voice in society.

Drawing on the direct experiences of people affected by poverty and inequality and the expertise of its diverse membership to develop and promote socially and economically responsible public policies and actions by government, the community, and businesses.

Our Values

We believe no one should live in poverty, and everyone should be treated with dignity and respect.
We are committed to the full realization of human rights.
We value diversity and work inclusively.
We support self-determination for Canada First Nation.
We want a sustainable future for all.
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